A Story of an Artist

Being a visual artist all of my life, aesthetics have always been a central component, from taking pictures, constructing things with my hands and throughout my professional career. Designing with function in mind for clients and project challenges, there were many ways to approach an image. The challenges have also presented opportunities to explore and develop new techniques and multimedia applications, such as drawing, photography, sculpture, drafting and design. All of these have further strengthened how I think creatively, to find new ways to combine what I have learned from each of the mediums. 

I have held vocations in landscape design, interior design, graphic design, web design and development, as well as running a photography studio for a product manufacturer in the fashion industry. All of these jobs had unique challenges but the end result desired was the same, to make the best possible image for the Web and print using the principles of design, color, texture, shape and techniques. This has been my life long learning, and drives me to be a better artist. 

Having worked in many industries of fashion, interiors/exteriors, electronics and entertainment, I understand the messaging that the image must convey and where certain trends and styles have come from and where they are going. Sales and marketing is more than trends, it is about connection. Knowing this helps me to connect with your personal style and image needs, by bringing your authentic self into every project. 

Besides being a photographer, I run and manage Greyshore Studios, a full service creative agency that offers graphic and web design, print and production.

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